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  • "Da Hong Poa" literally means "the Big Red Robe". The name of this tea came from a Chinese legend. A Ming emperor sent Big Red Robe for "clothing" some tea bushes (as appreciation) because this emperor believed that the tea from these bushes cured the illness of his mother. 


    "Da Hong Poa" is a type of heavily oxidized premium oolong tea with pleasant after taste.  


    Effects: Anti-Oxidization, Facilitate Digestion, Reducing blood cholesterol levels


    THICKNESS in terms of the substance not the strength: 3/5


    FINISH in terms of the lasting taste on your tongue after swallowing: 3/5


    AROMA (floral): 3/5


    Net Weight 60g & Total Weight 95g 



    質感(茶湯的濃度): 3/5
    回甘(飲後的餘韻): 3/5
    香氣(花香): 3/5 


    茶葉重60克,   茶葉連包装共重95克


    Da Hong Pao (大紅袍)

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